Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fries that live forever...

I ran across this video on Miniature Brainwave. Morgan Spurlock tries to see if the legend that a McDonald's Big Mac never decays is true. It does decay; however, he seems shocked to see that the fries never change. His intern sure does throw things away that he/she shouldn't. For anyone who went looking for spare change hidden in a sofa and found some old fries, I wasn't surprised to see the results.

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Emmy said...

That was crazy, thank you for sharing that. great post :)

Allyn Paul said...

Spurlock needs a new Schtick. It's getting old.
What's next?...dentures in a glass of Coke? ROFL!!

mellowed blues said...

I actually liked that experiment. It was pretty interesting to see the fungus and spores growing out of those burgers.

If I were Spurlock, I definitely would have fired that stupid assistant who threw away the fries. It would be interesting to see how that turned out.

The Fast Lane said...

That was so incredibly unappetizing. My wife was mortified, but I thought it was cool. I love science experiments like that.

On the plus side, if they are that full of preservatives, maybe they'll help keep you young! (kidding)

lina said...

guess i'll be pretty well preserved when I die at the rate I'm eating at Mcdonald's now... LOL

Erika said...

I wouldn't try to eat them.