The random thoughts of a guy from Texas about the world and the things that happen in it. Hopefully there won't be too many ramblings...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Cute Anti-Smoking PSA
Here is a cute anti-smoking PSA from the late 70's. It is regarded as the most obscure of the Star Wars public service announcements. 'This anti-smoking ad from the late '70s casts the plucky [R2] stealing a smoke on the sly behind Threepio's back."
I think i remember this one, talk about a flashback.
I think i remember this one, talk about a flashback.
It's nice to see that the PSA lasted an entire minute. Imagine the networks giving a minute now.
You simply can not go wrong with two iconic characters such as RTD2 and C-3PO. What a genius concept from George Lucas.
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I clearly remember seeing this PSA. Good find.
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