Read here more about "untouchables."
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Mother And Daughter Die When Doctors Refuse Help
Read here more about "untouchables."
A Gator In Her Kitchen

Sandra Frosti, 69, said the alligator must have pushed through the screen door on the back porch and then walked through an open sliding glass door at her home in Oldsmar, just north of Tampa.
The alligator apparently then strolled through the living room, down a hall and into the kitchen.
A trapper removed the alligator, which was cut by a plate that was knocked to the ground during the chaos.
But no one inside the house was injured."
Here's the rest of the story.
The Heroes...The Zeroes
Dateline - New York - The New York Post reports "A man heckling First Lady Laura Bush and daughter Jenna outside the 92nd Street Y was arrested after he punched a wheelchair-bound girl whose parents has told him to shut up, authorities said yesterday. German Talis, 22, was shouting obscenities at the Bushes, who were leaving the building Tuesday, when he crossed paths with Wendy and John Lovetro and their daughter Maureen, 18, who has cerebral palsy.

"He began yelling about Iraq and Iran at Jenna Bush. She was waving at the crowd. I told the guy, 'What are you doing? Shut up. This is about a child and books,' " said John Lovetro. "He was unperturbed. I said, 'Get out of here! You're being a moron!' "
The next thing he knew, Talis was allegedly punching Maureen - a fan of the first lady since meeting her in 2004.
"I heard my daughter hysterical yelling, 'He's hitting me!' " said Wendy Lovetro.
"He punched her on the shoulder blades, but that wasn't enough," she said.
"My husband pushed the wheelchair away from him and he reached beyond my husband and began pounding my daughter in the thigh."
The two men fought as the president's family drove off. Cops broke them up and busted Talis on charges of assault and resisting arrest."
Here's the other zero:
"Man Steals Wallet of ROTC Student Having Seizure Outside Bus Station"
Missing Blackberries

Sources with knowledge of the incident said the official, whose first name is Rafael, took six or seven of the handheld devices from a table outside a special room in the hotel where the Mexican delegation was meeting with President Bush.
Everyone entering the room was required to leave their cell phones, BlackBerries and other such devices on the table, a commonplace practice when high-level meetings are held. American officials discovered their missing belongings when they were leaving the session.
It didn't take long before Secret Service officials reviewed videotape taken by a surveillance camera and found footage showing "Rafael" absconding with the BlackBerries.
Sources said "Rafael" made it all the way to the airport, where the Mexican president was preparing to leave New Orleans before Secret Service officers caught up with him. He was forced to return the BlackBerries.
Sources said the man claimed to have taken the devices accidentally. The sources said they believe no further actions were taken against him by American authorities, though it is unclear what disciplinary measures, if any, await him in Mexico."
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
US Mail Carrier Makes Super Catch

Lisa Harrell, 42, can add hero to her record after catching a 1-year-old baby who fell out of a second-story window Monday in Albany, [NY].
"I noticed the upstairs window open halfway," Harrell told the Albany Times Union. "The baby fell right into my arms. Everything happened so quick."
When the baby's mother, Brenda Morales, realized what happened, she ran outside and grabbed the girl, Niales, from Harrell. Morales thanked Harrell and then ran down the street to her mother's house.
“I said, ‘You should never had had that window open. Your baby could be dead,'” Harrell told the Times Union. "Thank God the baby was OK."
Paramedics checked the baby at the scene but found no injuries.
Albany Postmaster David Yanni told the Times Union that the stunning part about Harrell’s ordeal is that she was not on her normal route on Monday. On any other day, she would not have been on those steps at that time.
Harrell arrived at the Morales' home to deliver an Express Mail package.
"It wasn't her normal time to be there," Yanni said on Monday. "The stars were aligned for that baby today."
Yanni said the Postal Service is proud of Harrell. "She's certainly a real hero," he told the Times Union.
But for Harrell, it was just a lucky coincidence that she was able to save Niales.
"A hero? No. I was in the right place at the right time," Harrell told the Times Union. "God was there for me and the baby.""
It's Hard to Model Bikinis...

“Shooting bikinis is now my life, which, as you can imagine, is unmitigated hell,” she says in London's Sunday Times.
“I can’t think of anything worse in the world than another bikini shoot — and I’ve got two next month. It’s unbearable, and I bring it all on myself. I’ve got nobody else to blame. It’s literally torture. If you get a photographer you don’t know, of course, you think, ‘Oh God.’ But if you signed on for the gig, sadly, you have to go and be jolly in a skimpy white bikini. So I now rely on nice photographers, and a bit of retouching."
"Often, people will want to correct one’s face, and with me, they always want to change my nose and I’m like, ‘No, no, no, I can’t look like that. I don’t mind if you want to make me a bit thinner and a bit younger, but you can’t give me a different jaw or eyebrows.’ But the vanity retouching — well, who wouldn’t?”
“I don’t go to the gym, but I intend to,” she tells the Times. “The biggest change at 40 is that you can’t stay very slim with yoga, Pilates or stretching alone. Previously, I didn’t do much more — if that. Over 40, you have to do something aerobic, unless you don’t eat much, but I eat lots.
"But [physically] there’s no comparison with six years ago — I’m much heavier now," she adds..."
Monday, April 21, 2008
You have to keep an eye on your child...

The child's grandfather, who had been pushing the stroller on the lakeside Friday afternoon, jumped into the harbor to try to save the boy, the Chicago Fire Department said.
Witnesses said the frantic grandfather struggled in the frigid water, just off a 70-foot long pier, pointing a few feet away and shouting, "Child! Child!"
"He was just moaning in the breakwater, crying," said John Derscheid, who called 911.
Winds at the time were about 20 mph with gusts of about 30 mph, a meteorologist said.
The boy was in critical condition at Children's Memorial Hospital, authorities said Friday night. A hospital spokeswoman declined to comment Saturday.
The grandfather, who appeared to be in his 60s, was in fair condition Saturday afternoon at St. Joseph Hospital, where he was being treated for exposure.
The toddler was strapped in the three-wheeled jogging stroller about 10 feet below the surface of the 42-degree water before rescue divers pulled him out.
Nature Recovers...

American government scientists detonated a hydrogen bomb on the tiny island (a part of the Marshall Islands in the western Pacific) on March 1, 1954, and about 20 other nuclear tests were carried out on the atoll between 1946 and 1958.
Many of the natives were moved to Kili Island and today are compensated by the United States government.
The massive explosion vaporized everything on three islands in the atoll, raised water temperatures to 55,000 degrees and left a crater that was 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) wide and 240 feet (73 meters) deep.
"I didn't know what to expect — some kind of moonscape perhaps. But it was incredible, huge matrices of branching Porites coral (up to 8 meters [25 feet] high) had established, creating a thriving coral reef habitat," said study team member Zoe Richards of the

"Throughout other parts of the lagoon it was awesome to see coral cover as high as 80 percent and large tree-like branching coral formations with trunks 30 centimeters [12 inches] thick."
A nearby atoll is likely seeding the coral recovery, the scientists think, and because the island is rarely visited, the coral is left to recover.
Richards said that the healthy condition of the Bikini corals was a sign of the resilience of corals after a major disturbance, if left undisturbed to recuperate..."
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Mad Libs turn 50
MSNBC reports that "Do you remember playing Mad Libs as a kid? As the zany word game turns 50, TODAY has the story about how the game came to be. Plus, author Leonard Stern also wrote an exclusive Mad Lib about the TODAY show just for readers (see next page). But first, here's an excerpt about the game's history from "Best of Mad Libs."
The creation of Mad Libs is directly linked to my inability to spell hyperbole in a seventh-grade spelling bee. Humiliated and embarrassed beyond words, I ran home to take refuge in the family dictionary, determined to learn the correct spelling and exact meaning of as many words as humanly possible. The dictionary became my constant companion — my roommate. Even today, it’s by my bedside, and on sleepless nights I make a point of learning at least one new word. Last night it was orthogonal.
The first sighting of Mad Libs happened in 1953, and it remains indelibly etched in my mind. I was in my New York City apartment overlooking Central Park working on a Jackie Gleason Honeymooners script. Actually, I was sitting and staring at the typewriter (I still use one), searching for the precisely right adjective to describe the nose of Ralph Kramden’s new boss. After wallowing in clichés for 30 minutes, I was ready to throw in the thesaurus when Roger Price, my best friend, fellow wordaholic, and the most original thinker I’d ever met — one of a kind of which there was no kind — showed up at my apartment..."
'Youngest inventor' patents broom

Sam Houghton, of Buxton, Derbyshire, was just three when he came up with a double-headed broom to collect large debris and fine dust simultaneously.
After passing the rigorous patenting process, his idea is now protected from anyone who might copy it.
His father, Mark, said there were no plans to market the broom.
"I don't know if I want to be an inventor when I grow up but this was fun."
Sam had been watching his father at work in the back yard, swapping between a large broom, for leaves and twigs, and a small one, for finer particles, when he came up with his idea.
He said: "It was such a simple solution that only a child could have come up with it.
"I was swapping from one broom to the other and he asked why. When I said it was to pick up the different leaves and twigs it must have got him thinking.
"He got a large elastic band from the shed and put it over the two brooms, holding them just the right way to use both together. He then called me and announced that had had made up an invention."
Insisting the broom itself was all Sam's idea, he said: "Putting the application together was just a matter of extracting the underlying principle and carefully describing that and Sam's specific way of using the invention."

"I do have experience of patents so I knew what to do next but I am convinced there are other young children who come up with ideas but never have the chance to get a patent for them."
Saturday, April 12, 2008
How A Movie Should Have Ended...
Thursday, April 10, 2008
They're back!
Click here to enjoy the dancing...
"College Student Builds His Very Own Tank"

Foster figures his mini-weapon of doom cost about $10,000 to build, most of it on trial-and-error research. It runs on a three-cylinder diesel engine and has a 360-degree turret with a working cannon powered by an air tank that can fire golf balls and empty cans of Red Bull.
He first designed the tank when he was 14, but only when Foster got to Kettering did he find a community of engineering geeks to help him build it. He parks it next to his Theta Xi frat house in a space labeled "Panzer parking. Violators will be totaled."
Man falls into Wood Chipper
Click here for the news clip.
Newly discovered pictures of Elvis...

The images were taken in 1972 by legendary photographer George Kalinsky, the official shooter of the famed arena, the singer's estate said Wednesday.
Kalinsky came across the photos while working on a campaign for a billboard company called "Great Moments in New York." One of the only photos he printed from the 1972 show is currently on display as part of the campaign on a three-story billboard atop the Virgin Megastore in Times Square. The iconic image shows The King glancing up, his outstretched arms holding the cape of his glittering jumpsuit...Kalinsky said he didn't realize at the time that he had so many good shots.
"When I photographed the show, I thought I only had a few good ones," he said. "I just never really looked at the files until recently."
He said he remembers going backstage to meet Presley.
"He was electrifying in his white jumpsuit, with his cape on," Kalinsky said. "He was quite humble, but he had an aura. There are very few people who have triple-X charisma, and Elvis was one."...
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Can a car be too silent?...

The measure would require the Transportation Department to establish safety standards for hybrids and other vehicles that make little discernible noise, including an audible means for alerting people that cars are nearby.
"The beneficial trend toward more environmentally friendly vehicles has had the unintended effect of placing the blind and other pedestrians in danger," said Democratic Rep. Edolphus Towns, who's sponsoring the bill with Republican Rep. Cliff Stearns.
The Baltimore-based National Federation of the Blind has pushed for the legislation to protect those who rely on their hearing to know when to cross the street.
While the organization is not aware of people being struck by cars they couldn't hear, NFB President Marc Maurer has said he fears it's only a matter of time.
Preliminary results of an ongoing study at the University of California-Riverside have indicated the cars pose some risk. The study found that hybrids operating at slow speeds must be 40 percent closer to pedestrians than combustion-engine vehicles before they make enough noise for their location to be detected.

The bill would require the Transportation Department to conduct a two-year study before issuing safety standards. Automakers would than have two years to comply.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is planning a listening session this spring to consider possible solutions to the quiet-car problem and is already working with manufacturers..."
Monday, April 7, 2008
Man Falls From Roof Of His Moving Minivan, Runs Naked Along Bypass

Witnesses told police that the man then climbed up an embankment, stripped naked and ran several hundred yards down the busy highway bleeding from a foot-long gash in his side.
"I’ve never seen anything like this in 22 years," West Reading police Detective Joseph M. Brown said of the 3 p.m. incident. "It is not a common call we get as police."
Police responding to calls from frantic motorists used three separate jolts from a Taser and pepper spray to subdue the nude man.
The Taser had no effect, and police eventually tackled the 38-year-old from Reading, Brown said.
He was taken to Reading Hospital, police said. The hospital listed him in critical condition Friday night...
The bizarre scene unfolded as witnesses reported seeing a minivan going about 55 mph and swerving in the westbound lanes of the bypass near the Penn Avenue interchange.
A witness, Les Miller of West Lawn, was driving west when he saw the minivan crash into the guide rail between Penn Avenue and North Wyomissing Boulevard.
Miller said he saw clothes on the highway shoulder and a naked man with a long cut on his torso running toward him.
"He was waving his arms in the air like he was lost or he was on something," Miller said. "It wasn’t like a panicked look on his face; he was just in a daze."...
Witnesses driving on the West Shore Bypass, or Route 422, saw the driver of the minivan climb out the driver’s side window and onto the roof. The vehicle swerved and crashed into a concrete median.
The impact sent the vehicle back across the westbound lanes, and the man was thrown down a wooded embankment. Witnesses told police they thought the victim had been killed.
"They were shocked when he got back onto the road," Brown said, adding that the man had a foot-long gash in one side and his internal organs were exposed.
Brown said it was fortunate that no one else was injured, considering that the driverless minivan swerved across a lane of traffic..."
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
One creative fellow Texan...

Fun With Jimmy Kimmel On His 1000th Show
Woman who asked to have wrinkles smoothed out gets bigger breasts
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Tennis star's match turns bloody
A new fish that crawls and yawns...

The creature sighted in Indonesian waters off Ambon Island has tan- and peach-colored zebra-stripping. It uses its leglike pectoral fins to burrow into cracks and crevices of coral reefs in search of food..."
Believe it or not...But the picture to the top left is a photo of the newly discovered fish yawning. It crawls and yawns.

Click here for more about this newly discovered fish.
"Man wrestles croc to rescue wife"

The attack took place in the Litchfield National Park near Darwin in Australia's Northern Territory.
The crocodile lunged at its victim as she stood on the banks of a river, locking its jaws around her legs before trying to drag her into the water.
Police have said the heroism of her husband almost certainly saved her.
As the crocodile attacked, Wendy Petherick shouted to her husband Norm who told reporters he acted instinctively.
"I saw Wendy in the water, trying to pull something out of her leg, and I knew it was a croc," he said.
"I acted quickly, just jumped on top of it, and looked for the eyes. I found them, and poked its eyes, and that's when it released her, I think."
The 36-year-old woman suffered serious injuries and will have surgery in Darwin.
Her husband escaped unharmed.
Last week, police in the Northern Territory opened fire on a crocodile as it closed in on a drunken man who had accepted a dare to swim in dangerous waters."
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
"Top 10 April Fools' work pranks"
1. Placed a pair of pants and shoes inside the only toilet stall in a men's room to make it appear someone was using the stall. It sat there for hours until someone called security to check if the person had died.
3. All the women in office individually spoke to the president, confiding that she is pregnant. By noon, he 'knew' that all of his female workers were pregnant and he could not tell anyone because each asked for confidentially.
5. Filled the vending soda machine with cans of beer.
6. Rigged the boss' chair to drop suddenly during a staff meeting.
7. Placed a sign on the restroom door that read, "The company ran out of toilet tissue; please use your own resources."
9. Shrink-wrapped everything in a co-worker's cubicle.
Here is the entire list.
So have you pulled or been subject to one of these pranks?