Congrats to the New York Giants and their fans! That was one heck of a Super Bowl. Thank you to the Giants for showing up and playing out their hearts. Although I thought the Giants' defense deserved the MVP trophy.
And yes, I noticed the Patriots' coach leaving before the game was over.

It was ironic to see him leave early when so many accussed him of running up the score on his opponents. His answer has alwys been that his team plays the full 60 minutes. Guess that doesn't include him during last night's Super Bowl.
Here is a related story.
Patriots 18-0 record has been defused. The under estimated under dogs are shockingly the New Superbowl xxxxii world champions. The NY Giants played their hearts out and Eli Manning victoriously won MVP. I say Ha ha to all those nfl reporters and insider for under estimating the NY Giants.
congrats giant..!
Thanks for your comments, Alien and Waliz. It sure was a great game to watch. It had plenty of drama.
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