You have probably heard the story by now. Former PM of the UK Tony Blair just converted to being a Roman Catholic. Now I am not going to be getting into arguments of what he decided to do or how someone may have ill feelings for the Roman Catholic Church.
The thing that surprised me was that the BBC in the story reports that [it] "comes as research shows Catholic churchgoers now outnumber Anglicans for the first time since the Reformation in the UK...A study by the organisation Christian Research has found Church of England services are no longer Britain's most popular form of worship and have been overtaken by Catholic mass..."
Now this stuns me. Then again, I don't live in the UK. Those living there may have seen this coming for a long time.
Oh, no. The war of religion is coming to the UK..... I'm not really sure that's something new.
But I have to tell you, RC's as a group take a stronger and extreme stances "no tolerance" when it comes to terrorism than Bush and Blair put together.
This is boring. Go and do some gardening, or something.
Interesting opnion, Sharon. Thanks for taking the time to share it.
Well Anonymous, why don't you play one of the vidoes on my site to see if you giggle... At least the post got you to comment on something...
I think it may be something about those who have caused much death and suffering.
Paul converted on the road to Damascus.
Now Tony, who aided and abetted George desperately needs forgiveness from someone.
Thanks for your comment, Ambercat. Blair was moving to convert before he actually became Prime Minister. He held off until he left office. There is still debate in the UK as to whether or not a Roman Catholic can be Prime Minister.
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